trying to navigate a cluttered mind / life

Sunday, March 28, 2004

Old Friends

I was just going through some old pictures (I'm digitally archiving all our snapshots). I saw a picture from our wedding of Mike & Maxanne.

Mike & Maxanne:
I sure do miss you guys. It's been about 7 years since I've seen you, but I think about you guys all the time. We had a lot of fun together, and I miss hanging out with y'all. I keep wondering if you've had little Mikelings or Maxannelettes, and where you guys are living these days.

In the off chance that you see this, please contact me.

For those who aren't Mike or Maxanne, Mike and Maxanne were responsible for introducing me to my wife, Angela. They were my best friends during a very difficult time in my life, and I regret losing contact with them over the years.

Where ever you are, I hope you guys are doing well and are happy.

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