trying to navigate a cluttered mind / life

Monday, March 08, 2004

I had forgotten I had this thing (the blog). I figured I may as well just unload here...hopefully, it's cheaper than therapy.

Anyhow, what a bad weekend. Not bad in the sense that it was absolutely horrible...I mean, Saturday was my daughter's 4th birthday party (we had it a Chuck E. Cheese's), so that part was OK. It was before and after that kinda stunk.

I've been on Prozac for a year or so now; I started on anti-depressants a few years ago, when I was prescribed Effexor for my ADD. Since then, whenever I'm off 'em for more than a couple of days, I become a slave to even the slightest bit of stress.

So, that's where I was most of the weekend: on the edge of cracking. I couldn't handle the everyday stress of my kids running around being kids; I couldn't handle the impending pressure of the birthday party; I couldn't handle my lack of ability to handle things. I was a mess.

I spent the better part of the weekend with my head buried in a pillow to try to block out all of the noise. Not good.

I guess that's what I get for running out of Prozac.

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